Working Class Viewpoint

Dear Editor,

I am writing to thank you for the first in the series of views of representatives of the working class in the form of an interview with Com. Lal Singh, General Secretary of the CGPI in the October 16-31, 2011 issue of MEL. The series will be a landmark contribution to the struggle for the liberation of India through the offices of the working class.

Dear Editor,

I am writing to thank you for the first in the series of views of representatives of the working class in the form of an interview with Com. Lal Singh, General Secretary of the CGPI in the October 16-31, 2011 issue of MEL. The series will be a landmark contribution to the struggle for the liberation of India through the offices of the working class.

The times are calling for the liberation of the land from the stranglehold of the bourgeoisie in all affairs of the country — economic, political and also in the sphere of propaganda and philosophy. The interview with Comrade Lal Singh is necessary reading for anyone who is partisan to the interests of the working class and that of the revolution. The following are the inescapable conclusions that have been spelt out by Com. Lal Singh which may be expressed in bullet form as follows:

  • That the two decades of economic reform have led to the massive polarization of Indian society with the combined wealth of the ten richest capitalists reaching a staggering one fifth of the national income, and with about 80% of the population reaching unimaginable immiseration,
  • That with readily available data one may prove that the bulk of the population of the country lives in abysmal and inhuman conditions,
  • That the pronouncements emanating from the monopoly capitalists and their spokesman prove that they are in complete denial at the conditions above,
  • That the above growth in the economy is taking places only due to ruthless exploitation and out right robbery of the fruits of labour of the working class and the peasantry,
  • That the economic reforms program could not have taken place "successfully" without fascistic political offensives of the bourgeoisie through their principal political parties and the collaboration of parliamentary Communist parties,
  • That the growth comes in such a manner so as to even cause a real shrinkage in the production of essential commodities including food,
  • That the Indian monopoly capitalists stridently organized their game plan to abandon the Nehruvian model and to throw open the doors to foreign competition and make India a desired destination for foreign capital by depreciating the rupee,
  • That the program is one designed by the biggest capitalists in the country, to deceive the people of the country that somehow the growth could be inclusive and that a piece of the pie would reach them, while the reality is exactly the opposite.

The respondent of the interview has gone on to offer a blueprint for the way out of the slavery: it is the Navnirman of the country with the working class at the head. All those interested in securing a future for the country and its people must join this project. I commend MEL for carrying this interview and look forward to the sequels in the series to this contribution.


A. Narayan


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