This document entitled Towards the Rule of Workers and Peasants and a Voluntary Indian Union contains the Report of the Central Committee presented by Comrade Lal Singh, General Secretary of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, which was discussed and adopted by the Third Congress of the Party, held in January 2005.
This document also includes the Constitution of the CGPI which was adopted at the Third Congress. Two brief notes entitled "About the Communist Ghadar Party of India" and "The Genesis of the Communist Ghadar Party of India" which were approved by the Congress are included for publication.
The Resolutions adopted at the Third Congress and the messages of greetings of sister parties who attended the Congress are also included in this publication. A summary of proceedings of the Third Congress has been included by decision of the Fourth Central Committee elected by the Third Congress.
This is the epoch of imperialism and proletarian revolution. However with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world revolutionary process experienced a period of retreat. While the forces of retrogression are still on the offensive, the struggles of the working class and of the oppressed nations and peoples are growing more intense. The tide of revolution is poised to turn from ebb to flow.
In these conditions, the challenge facing the communist movement in India is to enable
the working class to emerge as a united force that forges a political front with the peasants
and all the oppressed. Such a united front must be organised to wrest power from the
hands of the exploiting minority and establish a voluntary Union of Workers’ and Peasants’
Not to take on this challenge would result in the further worsening of the misery and
oppression of the masses and in the further exacerbation of the threat of war, fascism
and violence against the peoples.
The Communist Ghadar Party of India can and will take on this formidable challenge.
Cover photograph: May Day rally – Delhi 2004
– Hindi