- # 1: Resolution on the Central Committee Report
- # 2: Resolution on Communist Unity
- # 3: Resolution to Adopt the Program of the Party
- # 4: Resolution against the Anti-Social Offensive
- # 5: Resolution on Party Building
- # 6: Resolution on the Political Crisis
- # 7: Resolution against State Terrorism
- # 8: Resolution against Imperialism
- # 9: Resolution in Support of Struggle for States' Rights
- # 10: Resolution in Support of People of Indian Origin Living Abroad
- #11: Other Resolutions
- # 1: Resolution on the Central Committee Report
- # 2: Resolution on Communist Unity
- # 3: Resolution to Adopt the Program of the Party
- # 4: Resolution against the Anti-Social Offensive
- # 5: Resolution on Party Building
- # 6: Resolution on the Political Crisis
- # 7: Resolution against State Terrorism
- # 8: Resolution against Imperialism
- # 9: Resolution in Support of Struggle for States' Rights
- # 10: Resolution in Support of People of Indian Origin Living Abroad
- #11: Other Resolutions
# 1: Resolution on the Central Committee Report
Having heard and discussed the Report of the work of the Central Committee elected by the First Congress, entitled Preparing for the Coming Storms – Challenge facing Indian Communists, the Second Congress of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, convened in the first week of October, 1998,
This Report is consistent with the ideology of Marxism-Leninism and with contemporary Marxist-Leninist thought and with the General Line and decisions of the Party, and
to adopt this Report as presented.
# 2: Resolution on Communist Unity
the experience of the party since its First Congress on the front of restoration of unity of Indian communists, including (i) the experience of building the Party as an instrument of class struggle in the midst of the class and (ii) the experience of various initiatives involving communists outside the CGPI,
the Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998,
one phase of this work, the phase of agitating for the acceptance of the need for unity of the Indian communist movement, has been successfully accomplished, as (i) the working class has shown its readiness to create its united vanguard party and (ii) all communists have accepted this in principle as the need of the movement, and
the Central Committee should take steps to deal with the problems posed at this new phase of this work, including (i) ideological struggle, (ii) theoretical work, (iii) building basic organisations in the class and (iv) creating appropriate forms and mechanisms for all communists to come together to provide leadership to the class, and pave the way for conditions to be created for uniting all Indian communists in one vanguard party.
# 3: Resolution to Adopt the Program of the Party
(1) The third Consultative Conference of the Communist Party of India identified one of the obstacles to the victory of the Indian Communist Movement to be that communism on Indian soil had been reduced to a policy objective in the spirit of European social democracy, depriving the working class of its own program, and called for the solution of this problem through all-sided work;
(2) The Third Consultative Conference decided to involve the entire Party and the country in discussing the proposals for democratic renewal as the program emerging out of the movement of the Indian people for vesting sovereignty in themselves, taking control of the surplus wealth and using it to provide yogakshema and raksha for all;
(3) The conditions of tension and war between India and its neighbours is against the aspirations of people for peace and progress, expressed through their struggle against all big power domination and blackmail;
The Second Congress of the CGPI, meeting in the first week of October, 1998,
1) The program for democratic renewal as presented and discussed here stands adopted as the Program of the CGPI;
2) The work necessary for the working class of India to adopt this program as its own program is crucial to open the path for progress of Indian society and to implement the program;
3) This program be released under the title : hum hai iske malik, hum hai hindostan: mazdoor, kisan, aurat aur nau-jawan (or equivalent, to convey that India belongs to workers, peasants, women and youth who will use this land for their well-being).
# 4: Resolution against the Anti-Social Offensive
the livelihood and rights of the workers, peasants, urban and rural poor and petty bourgeoisie are all coming under vicious attacks as a result of the drive of the big bourgeoisie towards globalization of capital and production through liberalization and privatization;
this bourgeois offensive has the aim of subordinating the claims of the working class, peasantry, women, youth and peoples of all nations, nationalities and tribes within the Indian Union to the claims of a small ruling minority of monopolists and financial oligarchs to reap the maximum rate of profit;
such reforms to expand the space for capitalism to grow, in this era of imperialism and the proletarian revolution, does not open the door to the progress of society, but rather serves to preserve the existing system of exploitation and plunder and leads to a quantitative and qualitative increase in poverty at one pole and concentration of wealth at the other;
the very notion of a market oriented economy is alien to Indian thought and was at the base of the colonial conquest and enslavement of India in the past, while the notion of free market reform is based on 19th century conceptions that have become outdated;
the state and government of India are the main instruments of administering the anti-social program and economic restructuring measures against the people;
the anti-social offensive and economic restructuring are part of the international trend and the consequences of these are graphically expressed in the current financial crisis gripping the Russian Federation, Japan and other countries of Asia and South America;
the Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998,
an immediate concrete task of the Party is to lead the working class to be the standard bearer of the struggle against the anti-social offensive, globalization, privatization and liberalization;
the struggle against the anti-social offensive has to be waged on the basis of affirming the principles that all persons have rights, that they are born to society and the State and government must be organized to ensure the welfare of each and all;
the Party and the working class movement should provide all necessary assistance to all workers, peasants and other working people in the cities and the villages, including agricultural workers, migrant workers, contract workers, women, youth and students, retirees and the elderly, tribal peoples, the handicapped and others who are fighting against the existing inhuman conditions and for a pro-social program.
# 5: Resolution on Party Building
(1) The historic betrayal by revisionism has rendered the Indian working class as a reserve of the bourgeoisie by turning it into a vote bank, devoid of communist aims;
(2) Organizing the advanced workers to build the single vanguard party of the class is crucial to bring communist consciousness and organization to the class;
(3) Mazdoor Ekta Lehar / People’s Voice is the scaffolding for building the party in the class and for raising the level of politics of the class;
the Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998
The following measures must be taken up, and directs the appropriate organizations of the party to implement them:
1) Building basic organization of the party as organs of class struggle in work places for implementing the program of the party;
2) Creating conditions for a party school as aid to communist education;
3) Strengthening the content and distribution of Mazdoor Ekta Lehar / People’s Voice on the basis of establishing groups of writers and distributors in the class to address the real concerns and aspirations of the working people and to build the party and its links with all the social forces for revolution; and
4) Publishing the organ on a regular and timely manner in languages spoken by the people and building the readership of the organ and the profile of the Party.
# 6: Resolution on the Political Crisis
(1)The political crisis in India and the accompanying disequilibrium in the camp of the bourgeoisie is deepening the inter-capitalist contradictions as the BJP-led government is forging new arrangements among the ruling circles through massive privilege distribution;
(2) The bourgeoisie is facing unprecedented crises of legitimacy and credibility as it is resorting to self-contradictory policies, exemplified in the fiasco with respect to the use of Article 356 of the Indian constitution in UP and Bihar;
(3) A section of the parliamentary communists and the erstwhile social democrats are assisting the bourgeoisie and the state to raise the spectre of "two extremes" to promote the "third front" or middle path as moderate alternative to democratic renewal and fascism;
(4) The alliance of left, center and right political formations in India are united to impose the dictate of the bourgeoisie that there is no alternative to the political system dominated by parties and assisted by state terrorism and the economic system characterized by broad daylight robbery of wealth produced by the workers, peasants and the middle strata through the intervention of the state;
(5) The war preparations, sale and purchase of large quantities of armaments for modernizing the security apparatus of the country and building a blue water navy, a nuclear arsenal are being done to transform India into an imperialist power in the style of 18th and 19th century empire builders of Europe; and
(6) Measures are being taken to streamline the Constitution of India on the basis of "expert panel recommendations" so as to facilitate "stability" at home and contention for big power status abroad ;
the Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998
1) The program of the party be taken to the class as the alternative program and the people be rallied around it, to openly contest the bourgeoisie over the way forward for India;
2) The war preparations, nuclearization, and promotion of war hysteria against the fraternal neighboring peoples be opposed;
3) The political exposures be stepped up to deepen the crisis of legitimacy and credibility of the system, including the inherent problem to stabilize anachronistic institutions such as party dominated government, individual civil rights without the right of collectives, supremacy of executive power over legislative power, rule by decree and privilege distribution;
4) The working class and people be organised to build their political unity on the basis of a common action program against the single "extreme" rule of capital in alliance with the remnants of feudalism and colonialism, and reject the pressure to divide the polity on the basis of ideological considerations such as secular/communal outlook, videshi/swadeshi outlook, religious outlook and differences or political party affiliations;
5) The Constitution needs to be reviewed by an elected Constituent Assembly on the basis of nonpartisan election through universal suffrage;
6) The electoral laws need to be reformed to limit the power of party leaders in candidate selection, to enable every citizen to realize in practice the right to elect and be elected irrespective of his or her wealth and affiliation to major and minor parties. and
7) The struggle for a pro-social program needs to become an integral part of the resistance struggles against the consequences of privatization and liberalization.
# 7: Resolution against State Terrorism
(1) The sanction and use of violence and terror by successive governments against the progressive, communist and other fighting forces have been an integral part of the Indian state and its parliamentary system;
(2) Forms such as police and army firing, encounter killing, custodial death, torture in prison, atrocities through goonda raj and private armies of landlords, state organized communal massacres, massacres of dalits and tribals, bombings and assassinations, passage of draconian laws and their enforcement are expressions of state terrorism;
(3) Ideological and political justification of state terrorism has been legislated in the form of "defending the national unity and territorial integrity of India";
(4) Black laws and other forms of state terrorism have been legally upheld in the courts as being consistent with the Constitution and have been defended by all parliamentary parties;
(5) State terrorism has been one of the main obstacles for the advance of the communist movement and for the working class to set its own aims and agenda in a peaceful and non-threatening political atmosphere without the fear of such attempts being criminalized and labeled as being against "national unity and territorial integrity";
(6) The working class has been kept sidelined from the struggle against state terrorism and the movement for rights;
the Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998
1) The work to build political unity be stepped up with special emphasis on mobilizing the working class to oppose all manifestations of state terrorism, and defend all victims of terrorism;
2) The working class and people must be mobilized to demand the repeal of all black laws and release of all prisoners being detained under those laws, to demand the withdrawal of the army and paramilitary forces to their barracks, demand investigation, open trial and appropriate punishment of all those found guilty of crimes against people, demand that victims of all such violence be assisted for rehabilitation and that no one must be persecuted for ideological and political reasons;
3) The Party will take measures to defeat the disinformation campaign which is meant to delegitimize, criminalize and marginalize the genuine struggles of people for rights; and
4) The Party will take measures to ensure that any attack on any section of the people is opposed by the entire people led by the working class.
# 8: Resolution against Imperialism
(1) The aggression of US imperialism against the peoples and countries of the world, expressed in its latest missile attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan, its continuing military actions and interference in the Balkans, its military alliances with Japan, with countries of the Middle East and recently with Bangladesh, its use of NPT and CTBT as instruments of blackmail against the countries and peoples fighting against the "might is right" doctrine, pose a grave threat to the future of peace and progress of the entire world;
(2) The strivings of the big powers of the Security Council and emerging powers like Germany, Japan, Brazil etc., including India, to re-divide the post Cold War world on the basis of "multipolarity" in opposition to the "unipolarity" advocated by the US, are reminiscent of the Cold War days when the working class and people were called upon to abandon their own aims and line up behind the aims of the superpowers and their blocks;
(3) The Charter of Paris has become the basis of denying the right of countries and peoples to have their own economic and political systems, values and theories and the instruments of economic sanctions and blockade, political blackmail, military strikes, "terrorist" and "rouge state" labels are used to strangle the resolve of countries and peoples to defend their sovereignty and independence;
(3) The slogan of globalization is being used to trample the sovereign rights of the people through WTO;
the Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998,
1) Condemns the US imperialist aggressive actions on other peoples and its interference in the affairs of other countries, and calls for the withdrawal of all US troops stationed in foreign soil;
2) Condemns all the acts of big powers outside their territories meant to expand their "spheres of influence" and divide the world by political, economic and military means;
3) Supports the struggles of the peoples inside the countries of the imperialist powers for expansion and renewal of democracy and rights, supports their strivings to renew their own countries and societies for the affirmation of all rights and stands for fraternal cooperation with all the peoples on the basis of equality and for mutual benefit; and
4) Resolves to lead the struggle of the Indian working class on the basis of defending the sovereign right of every people to have their own economic and political system and their own culture, outlook, philosophies and theories of statecraft.
# 9: Resolution in Support of Struggle for States' Rights
(1) The peoples in many parts of India are waging struggles demanding to have residual powers transferred from the hands of the Central government, as expressed in the demands for new states of Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Bodoland, among others;
(2) The response of the government has been to use legalism to postpone the resolution of these problems, sowing divisions, mistrust and frustration among the people and in many instances, resorting to the use of force against the people in the name of maintaining law and order;
the Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998,
1) Calls on the Indian Parliament and the respective state legislatures to immediately enact legislation to create the states for which legislation process has already been initiated;
2) Calls for transfer of residual powers to all the states, old or new;
3) Calls for the official recognition of the national rights of all the nations, nationalities and tribals of India, their languages and cultures and for making available resources so that these languages can be taught and developed through cultural forms; and
4) Calls for enacting legislation to limit the absolute power of the Parliament in the creation of states in future by sharing this right with the people.
# 10: Resolution in Support of People of Indian Origin Living Abroad
The Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998, sends its greetings to the people of Indian origin living abroad for their patriotic work in support of the democratic struggles of the Indian people, their work in opposition to violation of rights in India and wishes them success in their own struggles for the affirmation of their national rights and against marginalization and racist attacks in countries where they work and live. It expresses its appreciation of the contribution they are making to the renewal and modernization of Indian thought material in the course of their struggle to defend their identity and culture against all notions spread to defend the "white man’s burden". It appeals to them to build support for the struggles of the Indian people to oppose state terrorism, renew democracy to empower the people and end the colonial legacy. It considers the struggles of people of Indian origin abroad, and in particular the struggles of the youth born and brought up abroad, to end the marginalization of India, South Asia and South Asians from world affairs, as an integral component of the struggles of the Indian people to affirm their sovereign right.
#11: Other Resolutions
The Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998,
extends its greetings to the peoples of Cuba and the state and government of Cuba, for their heroic struggle in defense of their sovereignty in the face of the US led economic blockade and the all-sided pressure to adopt the Charter of Paris.
The Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998, extends its greetings to the fighting peoples of all continents who are opposing the global anti-social offensive, capitalist offensive in their own countries, the occupation of their lands, division of their countries and nations, against racism and fascism, for peace and for the renewal of their constitutions and political processes to empower the people.
The Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998, sends its revolutionary greetings to all the Communist and Workers' Parties in all continents that are heroically leading the struggle of the working class and people, to prepare the subjective conditions for revolution in the period of the retreat of revolution on the world scale, by applying Marxism-Leninism and contemporary Marxist-Leninist thought in the concrete conditions of their own countries and the world, in the face of the most savage anti-communist offensive of world capital and the unprecedented pressure on the communist and revolutionary forces to adopt class-conciliatory social democratic politics.
The Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998, resolves that the members of the party are assets of the Indian revolution and the Party will make all possible arrangements to assist them in conditions of personal hardship, on the basis of collective effort.
The Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998, hails the work of the people's organisations and democratic forces to organize around the program to empower the people, on the basis of equal rights and duties and defence of minority rights on a modern basis.
The Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998, salutes the fighting Indian women and their organisations through which they have placed the problems of women as problems of society and the problems of society as problems of women, and calls on women and their organisations to elaborate their rights, arising from their position as producers and reproducers of society, and take up initiatives consistent with the program of democratic renewal, that is the program of Hum hai iske malik; hum hai Hindostan; Mazdoor, Kisan, Aurat aur Nau-jawan.
The Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998, resolves to assist the youth of India to fight for their rights, emanating from the fact that they are the future of society, to elaborate their vision for the kind of society that they must create and to unite around the program for the democratic renewal of India.
The Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998, salutes the intelligentsia, scientific and technical personnel, writers, artists and cultural workers for their work to place all the achievements of humanity in the service of the people, to spread enlightenment and oppose militarization of science, arts, and culture of India.
The Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998, calls for the promotion of friendship and fraternity between the peoples of India, Pakistan and other countries of South Asia, and congratulates those who are working to build close relations through cultural cooperation and other means and in opposition to all divisive positions.
The Second Congress of the CGPI, convened in the first week of October, 1998, calls for the democratization of the United Nations, through reforms to subordinate the Security Council to the General Assembly, stripping the veto powers of permanent members and expanding the membership of the Security Council to provide for the participation of peoples of the world in the executive and legislative roles on a democratic basis.