I am writing to congratulate the CC of the CGPI on its statement of October 22, 2011 entitled “The Massacre of November 1984 Shall Never be Forgotten!" The statement is a bold and principled one, which among other things details the crimes of the Indian ruling circles against the people of India. The November 1984 events were a watershed in the scale of the atrocity and also in the scale of the brazenness of the ruling circles so eloquently captured by the blood thirsty statement of the incoming Prime Minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi, "When a big tree falls, the earth will shake!" The statement does well to capture also the crimes committed by the others in the ruling circles such as in the 2002 Gujarat massacre orchestrated by the ruling circles where Mr. Narendra Modi spoke in terms of Newton's third law of action and reaction. Various sections of the ruling circles allege that these events are crimes of passion to somehow suggest that there is no mind behind their orchestration.
After pointing out various conclusions that can be drawn in the face of all the data, including that it is the Indian state which is communal and not the people, the statement points out that November 1984 ushered in the period of state terrorism as the preferred tool in the armoury of the ruling circles to carry on their rule, and that the perpetrators of these crimes continue to be in power and that the judicial machinery cannot provide any relief. It is my submission that it is through the elaboration of this thesis that the struggle of justice can be carried forward. Sound theoretical understanding of the nature of the Indian state is a pre-requisite for understanding the manner in which it carries on and has been carrying on. I would therefore like to end by joining the CC in its call to all the working and oppressed masses to step up the struggle for justice.
A. Narayan,