Way Forward: One Aim, One Program for Political Power!
An important and path breaking two-day conference was organized by Lok Awaz Publishers and Distributors in Delhi on 23-24 December, 2011. It was attended by activists and organisers of the working class, belonging to numerous trends and parties in the communist movement.
Way Forward: One Aim, One Program for Political Power!
An important and path breaking two-day conference was organized by Lok Awaz Publishers and Distributors in Delhi on 23-24 December, 2011. It was attended by activists and organisers of the working class, belonging to numerous trends and parties in the communist movement.
The discussion was initiated by Comrade Lal Singh, General Secretary of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, who delivered a speech on behalf of the Central Committee of the party, focused on the urgent need for communists to unite around the aim of preparing the working class to become the ruling class.
There were 50 different participants who spoke over the course of the two days. The discussion was focused on the Line of March, contrasting the road to revolution with the diversionary roads promoted by various parties in the name of communism.
The issues that were actively discussed during this conference included the following crucial points:
- The crisis of capitalism on the world scale points to the urgent need for the working class to organise to take political power and open the path to socialism.
- The Indian working class has the capacity to become the ruling class, provided communists play their rightful role and not blame the class for their failure.
- The working class cannot and must not share power with any section of the capitalist class; there can be no middle road or intermediate stage between capitalism and socialism.
- The existing parliamentary democracy and Indian Union cannot be the instruments for the working class to exercise power – we must fight for and create a system of proletarian democracy that vests sovereignty in the people.
- For two decades the working class has being diverted from its aim by the line of defending the secular fabric of the State from the communal danger posed by BJP.
The conference was from beginning to end characterized by an atmosphere of lively discussion and the desire to unite all communists around the revolutionary Line of March. It was a clear and fundamental break with the spirit of sectarianism that prevents the activists of one party from discussing matters of politics with those of another party.
There was no name calling against any individual or party. The revolutionary proletarian outlook was defended. Various erroneous and harmful ideas parading around as communist thought were criticized on the basis of sound arguments.
The conference concluded in a spirit of militant collective determination to organize similar conferences in different places all over the country during the coming period, so that the energy that has been generated at this historic event grows to become a mighty wave that no Indian communist can resist, and no political party can ignore.