Manifesto 2014

Manifesto 2014Unite around the program to reconstitute the Indian Republic and reorient the economy to ensure prosperity and protection for all!

There is growing realisation among workers, peasants and other self-employed people that the program of liberalisation and privatisation only serves to enrich an exploiting minority at their expense. Mass resistance is growing to this anti-worker, anti-peasant and anti-national program.

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Publication Details Notes

5th Congress Document

  • Year: April 2014
  • Languages: English, Hindi
  • Mediums: Print, PDF

There is growing realisation among workers, peasants and other self-employed people that the program of liberalisation and privatisation only serves to enrich an exploiting minority at their expense. Mass resistance is growing to this anti-worker, anti-peasant and anti-national program. However, the working class is being prevented from realizing its potential as the leader of all the exploited, and as the grave-digger of capitalism, by those in the communist movement who are spreading harmful illusions and compromising the class struggle.

The bugle for the 16th Lok Sabha Elections has been sounded at a time when a grave situation confronts our country, amidst growing dissatisfaction among the people with the course being followed.


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