September 7 witnessed a country-wide all day strike by the working class, a fitting action in response to the pro-capitalist policies of the government. About 10 crore workers participated in this strike in response to the joint call of the Communist Ghadar Party of India and various political parties, trade unions, youth organizations and others.
September 7 witnessed a country-wide all day strike by the working class, a fitting action in response to the pro-capitalist policies of the government. About 10 crore workers participated in this strike in response to the joint call of the Communist Ghadar Party of India and various political parties, trade unions, youth organizations and others.
The working class expressed its opposition to the pro-bourgeois measures of the Congress-led UPA government and put forward its urgent demands to bring down the prices and hold them stable in order to provide some relief to workers, peasants and masses of working people.
CGPI congratulates the working class for making the strike a success.
The strike raised the demand for a modern universal public distribution system that will secure the necessities of life, especially food grains of sufficient quantity, of good quality at a reasonable price to the vast masses of people. Another prominent demand of the countrywide demonstrations and meetings was for reduction in the prices of petrol, diesel, cooking gas, transport, electricity, etc. The striking workers also demanded the immediate lowering of prices of essential items like food grain, dal, sugar, oil, milk and vegetables. Besides this, it called for implementation of labour laws, an end to contract system of labour, and a halt to the disinvestment policy and privatisation of public sector enterprises and of services.
Workers from the basic and primary sectors of the economy – airlines, bank, insurance, communication, transport, coal, defence services, ports, electricity and thermal power – took part in the strike. The workers articulated their angry opposition to the capitalist system in their massive demonstrations and meetings. The strike reflected the unity and spirit of the working class.
All across the country, bank workers struck work in support of the strike. The rural banks also participated in this. Workers of the education and health sector supported the strike. In Mumbai and Kolkatta, the auto and taxi drivers too participated in the strike.