The article entitled ‘100th anniversary of the end of World War I’ that carries the byline ‘Only the destruction of the imperialist system can guarantee a peaceful world’ in the Dec. 1-15, 2018 issue of MEL was extremely educative. CGPI has been consistently raising the consciousness of the working class through the principles of scientific enquiry, rather than let the working class depend on the bourgeoisie for its education, and resulting in its getting brainwashed. To this end, the CGPI and its activities remain partisan to the interests of the working class and the revolution.
Dear sir,
The article entitled ‘100th anniversary of the end of World War I’ that carries the byline ‘Only the destruction of the imperialist system can guarantee a peaceful world’ in the Dec. 1-15, 2018 issue of MEL was extremely educative. CGPI has been consistently raising the consciousness of the working class through the principles of scientific enquiry, rather than let the working class depend on the bourgeoisie for its education, and resulting in its getting brainwashed. To this end, the CGPI and its activities remain partisan to the interests of the working class and the revolution.
The issue of the First World War remained and remains an important crucible to test one’s understanding of capitalism in the era of imperialism, as well as to advance the theory of revolution today, 100 years after the end of the First World War. The article points out in sharp relief several important facts, which are worth recalling in bullet form:
that the war took place between contending imperial powers, especially France, Britain and Germany, and that all of them crushed the rights of their colonies and it was the victor that scripted the history afterwards,
that the slaughter for the redivision of the world was on an unparalleled scale and that it was the peoples of the world that paid a price for the rapacious appetite of the imperial powers,
that Britain dragged its colonies, including India into the war, in the name of democracy and human rights
that the Indian bourgeoisie was content to go along with the war, with the expectation that it would reap huge profits and would also emerge stronger with increasing role in the governing of India, and that Mr. M. K. Gandhi supported India’s participation in the war,
that after the war, the Rowlatt Act was enacted to crush the aspirations of the bourgeoisie and the people of India,
that it was the Hindustani Ghadar Party that openly called for no freedom, no money for the war, and argued that the World War I gave an opportunity for India to press for its freedom,
that the imperial chain was broken in Russia and that the Bolshevik Party led by Lenin carried out the proletarian revolution,
that as long as imperialism exists, it remains a threat to mankind and to all the nations of the world,
that the working class must not rest till it realizes its own revolutionary role and rises to the challenge of revolution and ending the capitalist system.
In view of all the above, I exhort all those in the revolutionary camp to thoroughly read and understand the contents of this article and rise to the challenge and take the world out of the danger of the approaching World War.
S. Padma,