126th May day was held in various places in Tamil Nadu on 1st of May, 2011. Working class vigorously worked in organizing and participating militantly in these May day programs. Various organizations and parties held their programs separately across the state. Some programs were jointly organized.
126th May day was held in various places in Tamil Nadu on 1st of May, 2011. Working class vigorously worked in organizing and participating militantly in these May day programs. Various organizations and parties held their programs separately across the state. Some programs were jointly organized.
CGPI comrades and supporters took the Party leaflet on May day and distributed them in front of many factory gates, public places and residential areas across Tamil Nadu. Workers received the party leaflet enthusiastically and read its contents seriously.
Comrades also took part in the May day program and the Human Chain organized by the Unorganized Workers Federation (UWF) at the Marina Beach in front of the Labour statue. The May day meeting was addressed by Thirumathi Geetha, leader of UWF and Katida Thozhilalar Panchayat Sangam, Thiru. Muthu, Trade Union leader, Thiru. Anbuvendan, leader of Chennai Corporation Workers Union, Thiru. Baskar of Makklatchi Iyakkam, Thiru. Jayakumar of Fishermen Union, Thirumathi Leelavathi of Pennurimai Iyakkam and others. All speakers spoke about the demands of the working class and the urgent need for the working class to win political power.
(Glimpses of May Day celebrations)