The Editor,
I am writing to express my gratitude to you for carrying the Call of the Central Committee of the CGPI dated 1-5-2020 entitled `Unite and fight for an Indian without exploitation or oppression of any kind!’
What a wonderful title this is. It will gladden the heart of every working person, who today is leading a life that is the precise opposite of what this title expresses. This call comes at the time of the nationwide lockdown due to the Covid-19 virus, which is worldwide one, a crisis that has occurred without par in living memory.
And yet we find health-care workers fighting day and night without surrender and we are proud of our fellow-workers, including those who are working in essential services. At the same time never before has capitalism been as nakedly exposed as it is now. The stark differences it has created is there for everyone to see, as well as the chaos it has created.
In India, we see the havoc it has created and has exposed the fact that the system has no regard to the human beings working within it. From the lack of proper equipment to the sight of thousands walking hundreds of kilometres, the spectacle is there for everyone to see. Those who have not been allowed to leave cities are living in deplorable conditions in `slums’ created by the capitalists over the decades. There is no effort by the Government to take care of the masses who are in this terrible situation.
All the slogans of the ruling party have proved to be bogus. At this time, we celebrate May Day as it is the sole beacon for hope and for the liberation of the working class and also a reminder that we have no choice but to fight. We know that anyone questioning the policies of the Govt. will be called anti-national, but struggle we must. And this goes on as the monopoly capitalists seek to keep the people divided along religious lines. The situation is so intolerable that revolution is the only way out.
The task of the revolution is to end this State of the bourgeoisie and replace it with that of the workers that will guarantee the security of all. We have to be acutely aware that the Corona crisis is being used by the bourgeoisie to its own nefarious ends. The rule of this class must be ended. I am thankful to the CC of the CGPI for issuing the call to escalate struggle and to all communists to unite to overthrow capitalism. I would like to second this call in the strongest of terms.