Support the NLC Contract workers Militant Strike!

NLC located 200 KMs from Chennai, operates the largest open-pit lignite mines in India, presently mining 24 MT of Lignite and has an installed capacity of 2,740 MW of electricity. It is part of Profit making Navratna group of Public sector Companies.

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Kashmir Devastated by floods

The people of the state of Jammu and Kashmir are facing the brunt of unprecedented floods.  Lakhs of people are marooned on the roofs of their homes, as the river Jhelum and its tributaries have overflown their banks and much of the Kashmir Valley is submerged under water. A week after flooding began, news reports indicated that over two thirds of Srinagar is under water.

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Dangerous strategy of the bourgeoisie behind the “Make in India” call

Finance capital would invest further in India only if its investments are going to fetch big returns. Finance capital moves into those countries or sectors of the economy where it can secure maximum capitalist profit through the exploitation, ruin and impoverishment of the majority of the population, through the enslavement and systematic robbery of the peoples and, lastly, through wars and militarization. It would invest in India if its calculations show that by investing in India, it could earn higher profits than if it invested elsewhere. This would be its motivation, not the well-being of the Indian people

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The Apprentices Amendment Bill 2014:

Attempt to turn the country into a centre of cheap youth labour

BJP led NDA government passed the Apprentices (Amendment) Bill, 2014 on the last day of the recently concluded session on 14th August 2014. Since the passing of the Apprentices Act in 1961, there have been four amendments in 1973, 1986, 1997 and 2007. This is the fifth amendment.

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NATO Summit 2014

Hectic preparations for war

Leaders of NATO member states held their summit meeting in Britain in the town of Newport in Wales, on September 4-5, 2014. Over 80 leaders, both those of the countries who are part of this war mongering military alliance, and their “alliance partners” participated in this Summit.

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FDI in Insurance Sector

The two main parties of the ruling class, BJP and Congress, are fully in favour of further privatising and opening up the Insurance Sector to foreign capital. It is the working class which has been vigorously opposing this course. The main aim of the privatisation of insurance and pension sector is to provide access to Indian and foreign bourgeoisie to the huge savings of people accumulated in the form of insurance funds and pension funds. The big bourgeoisie wants to control this massive capital, as well as expand it. Foreign insurance giants have the same interests. Increasing the FDI limit in insurance is aimed at joint exploitation of the insecurities of the people by the parasites of finance capital.

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