Manifesto 2014

Manifesto 2014Unite around the program to reconstitute the Indian Republic and reorient the economy to ensure prosperity and protection for all!

There is growing realisation among workers, peasants and other self-employed people that the program of liberalisation and privatisation only serves to enrich an exploiting minority at their expense. Mass resistance is growing to this anti-worker, anti-peasant and anti-national program.

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Party School in Trivandrum

On January, 26th, the Communist Ghadar Party of India organized a Party School in Trivandrum. The subject for study was the Constitution of the Indian Republic. The school revealed the eagerness and enthusiasm amongst all the delegates who participated.

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Issues raised by Khobragade case

For nearly one month, India and the US were engaged in a diplomatic confrontation over the arrest of an Indian diplomat, Devyani Khobragade, in New York over an issue of alleged visa fraud and ill treatment of her domestic help, another Indian national Sangeeta Richards.

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Continued violation of human rights in Kashmir

The Prime Minister and his Party colleagues, as well as the leaders of the opposition never refrain from talking about Jammu and Kashmir as being an integral part of India, and blaming Pakistan for the violence in Kashmir. However the attitude of the Indian state to the people of Kashmir has not been one of treating them as a colonial or imperial power would treat its subjects.

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