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In defence of the identity of the worker
I am writing to thank you for carrying the educational and informative article entitled `Necessity to defend the identity of the working class’ which is the fourth and concluding part of a series of articles on this most important and burning question, in the September 1-15, 2013 issue of MEL.
Continue readingPatriotic Indians in Britain celebrate the Centenary of the founding of Ghadar Party
Mazdoor Ekta Lehar is proud to announce that Ghadar International, Indian Workers Association (Great Britain) and other progressive organisations have been organising numerous meetings and other functions throughout Britain to celebrate the centenary of the founding of Hindustan Ghadar Party.
Continue readingMessage of greetings to the public meeting organised by Ghadar International
15th August, 2013
New Delhi, India
Dear comrades and friends,
It gives me immense joy to convey this message on behalf of all the members of Communist Ghadar Party to this important seminar in London, which is part of the worldwide centenary celebrations of the founding of Hindustan Ghadar Party.
Continue readingSteep fall in the Rupee — consequence of integration with the imperialist system
There has been a lot of noise in recent weeks about the external exchange value of the Rupee, which has fallen by nearly 10 percent in the last one month and nearly 20 percent since April 2013. The prices of imported goods have risen and this has had a cascading effect on prices across the spectrum of commodities.
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Demonstration in preparation of a gherao of the Parliament
There was a big demonstration at ITO on 25th September 2013 under the leadership of the Trade Unions Joint Committee of Delhi to protest against the anti-worker, anti-national and anti-people policies of the government. Hundreds of activists of all the trade unions militantly took part in this demonstration.
Continue readingUnite and oppose state terrorism!
Israt Jehan, a first year college student of Mumbai and her friends were kidnapped and brutally murdered by the orders of top officers of the Gujarat Police and the Intelligence Bureau 10 years ago. Their murder was declared an “encounter”. For ten years, the families of Israt Jehan and her murdered friends have been fighting for justice.
Continue readingCondemn imperialist intimidation and aggression!
On July 2, the plane carrying the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, was raided by officials in Vienna airport in Austria, at the behest of the US imperialists, to allegedly search for the presence of Edward Snowden, the man who had earlier leaked the damaging information about American cyber-espionage.
Continue readingGrowing fascisation
Shortly after it was first revealed that the US National Security Agency was using its enormous technological resources to spy on computer and telecommunication networks and gather billions of pieces of information from countries all over the world, including India, more revelations of this nature have come to light.
Continue readingThe struggle over defining the minimum wage
In the constant, day to day struggle between capital and labour, the capitalist class tries to increase the degree of exploitation of workers and thus increase the surplus value extracted from the labour of workers, by depressing the wages of workers and by increasing the length of the working day.
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