British imperialists escalate their intervention in Syria

On November 19, the British government announced that it is recognising the grouping of Syrian opposition elements as the legitimate representatives of Syria.  This followed the official participation by Britain, along with the US, France and Turkey, in a meeting of Syrian opposition groups held in Qatar on November 8.  This marks a further escalation of the British imperialists&rsquo

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Documents of the 4th Congress of CGPI – Punjabi

The Fourth Congress of the Communist Ghadar Party of India was convened in the last week of October 2010.

The Report of the Fourth Congress was presented by Comrade Lal Singh on behalf of the Central Committee elected by the Third Congress. It was discussed at length and adopted by the Congress. It was been edited for publication by the decision of the Fourth Congress. This publication also contains the Resolutions adopted by the Fourth Congress.

(Click thumbnail to download PDF)

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Coalgate Scam

Condemn the loot of people’s wealth by capitalists and the central government! 

The report of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), about the allocation of coal blocks to selected private companies for mining between 2004 and 2009, has brought out yet another glaring instance of the loot of the natural resources of the people by the monopoly bourgeoisie through t

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