Condemn the electricity rate hike in Delhi as an attack on people’s livelihood!

Statement of the Delhi Regional Committee of Communist Ghadar Party of India, 10th July, 2012

On 26th June, the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) announced a new tariff schedule with a 25-27% hike in the rates of electricity for the Delhi domestic consumers. In less than one year, residents of Delhi are being made to pay about 65% more for a unit of electricity, in addition to 33% higher fixed monthly charges.

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The present situation demands unity of all the workers of Air India

The strike of the pilots of Air India was withdrawn on July 3, 2012, following the intervention of the Delhi High Court.

This strike was called by the Indian Pilots’ Guild when the Central Government officers in charge of Air India went back on their promises on 7th May.  It lasted for almost two full months.  The 440 youthful pilots who were on strike revealed great determination and resolve to fight for their rights in the face of organised slander propagated by the corporate media and the Central Government.

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Water privatization faces increasing opposition

Water is a gift of Nature and an essential requirement of human life; it is the responsibility of society and the State to manage the flow of water and ensure its availability for various essential needs (agricultural, domestic, industrial etc.). Workers, peasants and all responsible citizens should oppose the policy of converting water into a commodity to be sold at monopoly capitalist prices.

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ChakRajasar Murder: Relentless struggle for justice

The people of Nohar city of Hanumangarh District of Rajasthan have been in struggle to have the guilty of ChakRajasar murder case punished for the past three years. Mazdoor Ekta Lehar correspondent spoke to Guruji Hanuman Prasad Sharma, former President of the Rajasthan Teacher’s Union and Vice President of the All India Council of Lok Raj Sangathan.

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