Step up the united struggle against the anti working class program of the government!

Let us make the September 4 convention of the working class a resounding success!

It is important for leaders and activists of working class, irrespective of the party or union they belong to today, to understand how and why the bourgeoisie is able to continue to attack the rights of the working class and people, despite knowing that the majority of the population is opposed to these attacks. The main reason lies in the fact that while the bourgeoisie is united around its one program of globalisation through liberalistion and privatisation, the working class is not.

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No to privatization of water supply

I would like to thank MEL for bringing the issue of privatisation of water supply in it's June 16-30 edition under the title-Delhi Jal Board workers oppose privatisation. We are going the wrong way in our water policy. Rahul Gandhi said when he visited the drought hit areas of Maharashtra that he will take WB loan to solve the problem.

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Condemn the state-organised sectarian genocide in Assam!

Organising and sponsoring underground armed groups to carry out indiscriminate or sectarian violence, and then ordering the official armed forces to unleash terror in the name of restoring peace and order – this is the tried and tested method of rule of the Indian big bourgeoisie.  The Congress Party is the most experienced exponent of such divide and rule tactics, inherited from colonial times and further perfected since then.

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We mourn the passing away of Captain Lakshmi Sehgal

Mazdoor Ekta Lehar expresses profound grief at the passing away of Captain Lakshmi Sehgal on July 22, 2012 at the age of 97.

The life and work of Captain Lakshmi Sehgal have been a source of example and inspiration to all those who have fought under the banner of freedom and independence, from colonialism, imperialism and all forms of exploitation and oppression.

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