Russian President Vladimir Putin had a summit meeting with Prime Minister Mamohan Singh on December 24, 2012. This was the 13th Consecutive Annual Summit between the leaders of the two countries. During the Cold War period, India and the Soviet Union had a strategic relationship with each other.
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Working class protest rally in front of Parliament
Various trade unions and workers’ organisations across the country organized a rally and demonstration in front of the Parliament on December 20th against the capitalist policies of the UPA government. This was an important programme in the context of the government’s economic policies and attacks on the working class.
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Various women’s organisations held a public hearing in Parliament Street in Delhi on the issue of food security on 18th December. Hundreds of women participated in this event.
Continue readingOn the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the destruction of Babri Masjid
The Guilty must be Punished!
Communal nature of the State points to the Necessity for its Reconstitution!
Statement of the Central Committee of Communist Ghadar Party of India, 4th December, 2012
Twenty years ago, on 6th December, 1992, the four century-old historical monument called Babri Masjid, located in Faizabad (or Ayodhya) in Uttar Pradesh, was demolish
Continue readingUnited Nations General Assembly votes against US blockade against Cuba
End the inhuman and unprincipled US blockade against Cuba!
On November 13, the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favour of a resolution calling for an end to the more than 50 year long blockade of Cuba by the US. The fact that the vote was 188 member states for the resolution with only 3 against, shows the complete isolation of the United States with regard t
Continue readingBritish imperialists escalate their intervention in Syria
On November 19, the British government announced that it is recognising the grouping of Syrian opposition elements as the legitimate representatives of Syria. This followed the official participation by Britain, along with the US, France and Turkey, in a meeting of Syrian opposition groups held in Qatar on November 8. This marks a further escalation of the British imperialists&rsquo
Continue readingDown with the Israeli aggression in Gaza! Long live the valiant struggle of the Palestinian people!
Since 14th November 2012, Israel has been bombarding the Gaza strip both from air and the sea, with the avowed intention of destroying the leadership of Hamas and subjugating the Palestinian people with its military might. At the time of writing, it is reported that Israel is amassing troops and preparing for a massive ground strike in Gaza.
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Documents of the 4th Congress of CGPI – Punjabi
The Fourth Congress of the Communist Ghadar Party of India was convened in the last week of October 2010.
The Report of the Fourth Congress was presented by Comrade Lal Singh on behalf of the Central Committee elected by the Third Congress. It was discussed at length and adopted by the Congress. It was been edited for publication by the decision of the Fourth Congress. This publication also contains the Resolutions adopted by the Fourth Congress.
(Click thumbnail to download PDF)
Continue readingThousands of workers condemn the anti-worker policy of the government
On 7th September 2012, the main roads of Thane resounded with slogans such as, "An attack on one is an attack on all!", "Down with the anti-worker Government!", "Long live the unity of the workers!".
Continue readingCondemn the Air India authorities Vindictive Attitude towards its Pilots
Two months ago, the strike by the pilots of Air India organised under the banner of Indian Pilots Guild was called off following the intervention of the High Court.
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