Blame the central state and its policy for the terror and insecurity faced by the peoples of the North East!

Army rule is the reality in most parts of the North East.  For the peoples of the North-East, the departure of the British in 1947 did not mean the end of colonial rule.  The region has been ruled virtually as a colony from New Delhi right from that time.  When the peoples of this region have demanded their national and political rights, they have been beaten down ruthlessly, and called agents of foreign powers.

Having been at the receiving end of repression and terror at the hands of the central state and its agencies for so many decades, it is natural that the peoples of this region do not trust the central leaders, who are today promising protection for North-Eastern peoples, declaring they are all Indians.  Many of them can see that this is actually a veiled threat; they are being told to better be loyal to the Indian Union and its policy, if they want to feel safe.

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Rally in Solidarity of Maruti Suzuki Workers, 17 August 2012

Massive rally of Gurgaon workers condemns Haryana Government’s attacks on workers and their rights

Rally in Solidarity of Maruti Suzuki Workers, 17 August 2012Mazdoor Ekta Lehar considers the March and Rally of the workers of Gurgaon in solidarity with the workers of the Maruti Suzuki Manesar plant as an extremely important act in the present conditions of savage repression of the workers of the Manesar plant. At one stroke, it showed both the embattled workers of the Manesar plant that they are not alone, that the working class of Gurgaon Manesar stand by them. At one stroke, it cut through the disinformation campaign unleashed by the state through the media against the workers of the Manesar plant. As the workers marches through the streets with their bold banners and powerful slogans of solidarity, the people of Gurgaon saw once again with their own eyes the strength of a united workers movement. They saw that the workers are not going to allow themselves to be suppressed by the campaign of repression and disinformation.

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Only a united working class can save India!

Call of the Central Committee of Communist Ghadar Party of India, 30th August, 2012

Working class representatives from all over the country are gathering on 4th September, at a time when a titanic struggle is going on in our country. The struggle is between the majority of toiling and exploited people and a minority of exploiters. It is between the majority whose labour expands wealth and the minority who enjoy the fruits of wealth creation on the basis of their private property and positions of power.

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Central authority held responsible for the insecurity among peoples of the North-East

Far from protecting human beings and their rights, the central authority today is creating an atmosphere of terror and insecurity among the various peoples of the Northeast on narrow, sectarian and communal basis,” said Comrade Prakash Rao, Spokesperson of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, on 27th August in Delhi.  He was speaking at a Public Forum organised by Lok Raj Sangathan on the question:  Who is responsible for the insecurity of the peoples of the Northeast?

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Sixty-five years after independence from British colonial rule – the revolt continues!

Ghadar jaari hai!

Statement of the Central Committee of Communist Ghadar Party of India, 12 August, 2012

Sixty five years after independence from the British, who is free in India today? Workers, peasants, intellectuals, women, religious minorities, nations and nationalities are all oppressed. The big bourgeoisie has used the state of the Indian Republic to become the most dominant and ruling force of society, and is dragging the entire country onto a dangerous path – colluding and contending with other imperialist powers, and has grown rich not only by domestic but also through external plunder. The time has come to negate this state which negates the rights and aspirations of all our peoples. This can be done if and only if the working class takes the lead.  For India to be free and independent, it is essential that every part our country, every section of our people, is free from oppression or discrimination of any kind.  On the 65th anniversary of independence, the Communist Ghadar Party calls on all… to unite firmly around the program to reconstitute the Indian Union on a voluntary basis, redefine democracy to empower the people!

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