One of the first major decisions taken by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, after he took charge of the Finance Ministry in July 2012, was to scrap the draft of General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR) and constitute a new committee to propose a new draft after consulting all ”stake holders”.
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We mourn the passing away of Captain Lakshmi Sehgal
Mazdoor Ekta Lehar expresses profound grief at the passing away of Captain Lakshmi Sehgal on July 22, 2012 at the age of 97.
The life and work of Captain Lakshmi Sehgal have been a source of example and inspiration to all those who have fought under the banner of freedom and independence, from colonialism, imperialism and all forms of exploitation and oppression.
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Workers in the auto industry — victims of ever increasing exploitation
In 2000-01, an auto worker spent 2 hours 12 minutes of an 8-hour shift working for his own subsistence and that of his family. He spent the remaining 5 hours and 48 minutes generating surplus for the capitalist. By 2009-10, the ratio had deteriorated: The auto worker now spent just 1 hour 12 minutes working for his own subsistence and that of his family, and the remaining 6 hours 48 minutes ensuring profits for the capitalist.
Continue readingGorakhpur: The struggle of peasants against forcible land acquisition is entirely just!
Since 18th July, hundreds of peasant families in Gorakhpur, Haryana have pitched their tents under the hot sun on their fields in the villages. Women, men and children are sitting in protest on the land which the government wants to acquire for setting up a nuclear power plant.
Continue readingCondemn repression on peasants of Rewari for opposing forcible land acquisition
On July 22, police opened fire on peasants in Rewari who have been protesting against forcible acquisition of their lands by the Haryana government. Over thirty peasants are reported injured in these firings. The Haryana government has launched a campaign of intimidation including foisting of false cases on peasants, in an effort to divide them and crush their struggle.
Continue readingWomen health workers demand their rights
Women health workers (ASHAs) and mid-day meal workers of Haryana held a protest in Rohtak on June 22. The members of ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activists) Workers’ Union and the Mid-Day Meal Workers’ Union were demanding their right to minimum wages, appointment letters, identity cards, social security and other benefits.
Continue readingMumbai’s Western Railway Motormen win their just demands!
On July 20, 2012 over 450 motormen of the Western Railway in Mumbai under the leadership of their Union, Western Railway Motormen’s Association (WRMA) struck work by going on mass sick leave at 3.30 pm. Due to the protest action by the motormen the entire rail transport in this section was completely shut down and brought half of Mumbai to a standstill.
Continue readingDemonstrations against the Rajasthan government in 33 districts
Lakhs of employees in Rajasthan held militant demonstrations in front of 33 district headquarters on 25th July 2012 to protest against the policy of privatisation, liberalisation and globalisation and in support of their 11-point charter of demands, under the leadership of the All Rajasthan State Employees Coordination Committee. A petition was submitted to the Chief Minister.
Continue readingTransport Corporation employees on dharna
The Transport Corporation employees sat on a dharna in capital of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla on 17th July 2012 under the leadership of the Himachal Road Transport Employees United Coordination Committee. Almost 1500 Transport Corporation employees from throughout the state took part in this dharna. There were employees of all 23 depots.
Continue readingOpposition to handing over the distribution of electricity to private hands
On 22nd July 2012, the main organisation of the electricity employees in Chandigarh, All Haryana Power Corporation Union has opposed the attempts by the government and Corporation management of Panipat Circle and other towns and villages feeders to privatise the distribution system of electricity. In this direction, the organisation has declared that it will start a state wide agitation.
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