As a newspaper and organisation that is partisan to the workers and toilers, we have been asking the leaders of the working people as to how the toilers of India view the reforms that were started 20 years ago. Whether the working class and people have benefitted from these reforms or have suffered?
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Unite in defence of the universal rights of all workers!
Defeat the program of privatisation and liberalisation!
Fight with the aim of establishing workers’ and peasants’ rule!
Call of the Central Committee, Communist Ghadar Party of India, 23 February, 2012
Numerous federations of workers’ unions covering major sectors the economy, including banking and insurance, machinery and equipment manufacture, railways, port and docks, road transport, health and education, have announced their decision to organise an All-India General Strike on 28th February. It has been called to assert the common immediate demands of the working class, including enhanced minimum wages, protection and extension of pension benefits, rejection of proposed labour law reforms in favour of the capitalists, halt to privatisation, measures to bring down food prices and the demand for a universal Public Distribution System.
Continue readingUttar Pradesh Assembly Elections: Only the renewal of society can guarantee prosperity to all!
The polling of votes for the UP state assembly has been organised to take place in seven phases between 8th February and 3rd March. UP is a huge state with a 20-crore population. It has played a significant role in our country’s revolutionary politics.
Continue readingCondemn the US imperialist efforts at regime change in Syria!
Syria has been on the firing line of US imperialism for many years. It has also been a major target of US imperialism's gun in West Asia —the Zionist state of Israel — with which it shares borders. The strategic Golan Heights of Syria have been under illegal Israeli Occupation since 1967.
Continue readingNecessity for the working class to take political power
The initiating speech, at the working class conference on the Way Forward held on 23-24 December 2011, was made by comrade Lal Singh, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India.
Continue readingAssembly elections in Punjab
Communists must work for the program of Navnirman of the state and society!
Elections to the Punjab legislature will be held on January 31. The main contenders for the next state government are the Akali Dal – BJP alliance and the Congress Party. Neither of them have any credible vision to offer for the future of Punjab and its industrious people.
Continue readingMassive US imperialist pressure and blackmail of Pakistan
The state and people of Pakistan are confronted today with all sided US imperialist pressure and blackmail, threatening their very existence as a country. This pressure and blackmail has intensified following Pakistan's refusal to cooperate with the US in its "war against terrorism" in Afghanistan and the border regions of Pakistan.
Continue readingAir India: The anti-worker and anti-national policy of privatisation must be exposed and resolutely opposed
Recent facts reveal that the Central Government has not given up its aim of liquidating and privatising the largest state-owned airline company in the country, to satisfy monopoly capitalist greed for maximum private profits. They show that the opposite claims made at the end of the pilots’ strike last year were blatant lies.
Continue readingDown with the US led imperialist blackmail and sanctions against Iran
The US imperialists continue to step up their policy of blackmail and sanctions on Iran. In particular, the right of the Iranian nation and people to pursue their own civilian nuclear program is being targeted, portraying it as a “threat to humanity”.
Continue readingRail engine drivers meet in Mumbai to chalk out united struggle plan
On January 12th 2012, the All India Loco Running Staff Association (AILRSA), called for a joint consultative meeting of all associations representing the Rail Engine Drivers, in Mumbai. The hall was packed with militant engine drivers who had come from the different associations representing them.
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