Continue readingLakhs of workers from all sectors of the economy participated in an All India protest on November 8, marked by rallies and jail bharos. The protests took place in all the state capitals as well as other towns.
Continue readingProtest rallies in Delhi and Mumbai marked the 27th anniversary of the state organized massacre of Sikhs in 1984.
Continue readingThe murder of Gaddafi and the recolonisation of Libya are a message to the African peoples that the Anglo-American imperialists and other European powers are initiating a new scramble for the recolonisation and redivision of Africa. It poses a grave threat to the freedom and independence of all the African countries.
Continue readingAs a newspaper and organisation that is partisan to the workers and toilers, we have been asking the leaders of the working people as to how the toilers of India view the reforms that were started 20 years ago. Whether the working class and people have benefitted from these reforms or have suffered?
Continue readingA public meeting was held on November 5, 2011, in the India International Center, New Delhi, to mark the 27th anniversary of the state organised massacre of Sikhs by the Congress Party and the state machinery. The meeting was organized by the Sikh Forum, which has been holding such meetings for the past 27 years to ensure punishment of the guilty.
Continue readingDenial of national and political rights is built into the very structure of the present-day Indian Union. Within this Indian Union, certain nations and nationalities, particularly in the north-east region, have historically been the targets of extreme national oppression. This deep-seated historical problem must be resolved.
Continue readingOn the issue of these dams, government is trying to portray that this issue is that of a conflict between the rural and urban population. Government is trying to portray that it has great concern about those living in cities. But this is a big lie. Working people living in cities neither get neither water nor electricity.
Continue readingIt is a fact that in the whole period of privatization of Telecom services, the government deliberately ensured that the private players captured the major profitable sectors in the metros and other towns, while BSNL services were downgraded in precisely these areas. So we have the situation that in the countryside, in the hills, in the remote areas of our country, it is BSNL services that work, while in the big cities, the BSNL services are kept at inadequate levels to favour the private players. The government and management have ensured that private players can access BSNL networks without compensating it for the same.
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