People’s will is supreme and not the will of Parliament!

Statement of the Central Committee of Communist Ghadar Party of India, 28th August, 2011

The mass agitation has raised the level of consciousness about the fundamental flaw in the existing system of democracy, in which big business interests and their corrupt parties control the Lok Sabha.  It has further exposed multi-party representative democracy as a process designed to permit the biggest exploiters, corrupt ministers and officials to loot and plunder our land and labour… The question that has assumed centre-stage by the development of events is where supreme power lies, and where it must lie.  Who is sovereign?  Is the people’s will supreme or is the will of Parliament or will of Cabinet supreme?

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Time for the people to reclaim from Parliament the power to decide

Statement of the Central Committee of Communist Ghadar Party of India, 1st August, 2011

The position of the Communist Ghadar Party of India is that the time has come to end the monopoly of legislative power held by the Members of Parliament.  The time has come to vest supreme decision-making power in the hands of the people as a whole, so that (i) absolute power is vested where it belongs, and where the toiling majority of people want it; (ii) no member of society is above the law, which is equally binding on all, and (iii) the will of the majority actually prevails. 

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Panel Discussion on “roots of corruption”

A Panel discussion on "roots of corruption" was organized in Delhi on August 8, 2011 by the Lok Raj Sangathan. This discussion assumes importance in the light of the great anger and concern of the working masses and the intelligentsia at the blatant way the ministers, the capitalists, dalals, bureaucrats, judges, MP's and MLA's have been looting the state exchequer.

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US imperialists charged with war crimes

In a move with important international ramifications, the Iranian Majlis (Parliament) has formally charged 26 US officials with war crimes and crimes against humanity, and they will face prosecution in Iranian courts in absentia.  Following their trial in Iranian courts, the dossier on their crimes will be forwarded to the International Criminal Court in the Hague.

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Militant rally of bank workers in Imphal

Over three hundred bank workers participated in a rally held at State Bank of India, Imphal, on the occasion of the All-India Bank Strike on August 5 of 2011. The main speakers were Th. Rohinikumar Singh, former convenor of United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU, Manipur State Committee), S. Bijoy Singh, President, Bank Employees Federation of India, S.

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