Petrol price hike is an attack on the living standards of millions of working families!

Withdraw customs and excise duties on oil and all its products, to bring down the retail price!

Statement of the CC of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 23 September, 2011

Whenever the price of petrol or diesel is raised the government claims that it is because of the “unaffordable subsidy”.  This is a blatant lie because petroleum product consumption is being heavily taxed in our country and not at all subsidized.  The “subsidy” in the central budget is less than one-tenth the total taxes collected from petroleum products.

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Meeting on “Sovereignty – in whose hands?”

The question of where sovereignty lies and should lie, in a modern society, has been posed very starkly by recent developments in our country and throughout the world. A public meeting was organized on 11th September 2011 by Lok Raj Sangathan in Delhi on this important issue. It was attended by activists from the movement for empowerment of people.

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Support the just struggle of the workers of Maruti Suzuki!

An attack on one is an attack on all!

Statement of the Delhi Regional Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, September 19, 2011

This is a decisive struggle which will have bearing on workers rights all over the country. Because the workers are fighting for the right to organize themselves into a union of their choice, a union that will defend their interests..

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