I support the air India pilots strike

The Delhi High Court ordered the striking pilots back to work by declaring the strike illegal, and is initiating contempt proceedings since its order was not obeyed.  It has remarked that if its orders are not obeyed, then it would lead to anarchy and a discrediting of the institution, and then everyone would do as they liked. Why does not the Court also ask this of the management, and in particular of the MD, Mr. Arvind Jadhav? The latter has now been named in several allegations amounting to corruption of the worst sort, including those listed in the article, and more recently in the sale of valuable land to private players. 

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Condemn the US for blatant violation of sovereignty of countries in our region!

Anglo-American troops and intelligence agents – Out of South Asia!

Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 5th May, 2011

Terrorism as a preferred tactic of imperialist geo-politics was first introduced in our region by the two superpowers, US imperialism and Soviet social-imperialism.  After the expulsion of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the American and British imperialists and their intelligence agencies, the CIA and MI5, became the principal sponsors of terrorist groups in west and south Asia, using them to topple regimes, infiltrate popular movements and destroy nations in their drive for unquestioned world domination.

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Thousands of workers join the May Day 2011 Rally in Delhi

Thousands of workers participated in the Joint May Day Rally in Delhi. Carrying red flags and banners workers from various trade unions and workers organisations including Mazdoor Ekta Committee (MEC), AICCTU, AITUCC, CITU, HMS,  UTUC, BEFI, AIRF, GIEAIA, NZIEA, NRMU and others marched along the traditional route from Ramleela Maidan to Town Hall.  

Leader of various organisations addressed the rally including Com. Bijju Nayak of Mazdoor Ekta Committee, who exhorted the working class to unite against the capitalist system of maximum loot and plunder and intensify their struggle to become the ruling class.

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Unite against the capitalist system of maximum loot and plunder!

The working class has to fight to become the ruling class!

May Day Call of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 2011

Replacing one party or coalition by another in the existing capitalist democracy does not lead to any advance for the toiling masses.  It does not change the capitalist orientation of the economy.  It does not end the loot and plunder of our land and labour, nor the attacks on our rights. The only way the situation will change is if we who produce the wealth of India become her masters.  Then and only then can we reorient the economy to provide prosperity and protection for all.

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Principles of Communism


Question 1 :  What is Communism?
 Answer :  Communism is the doctrine of the conditions of the liberation of the proletariat.
Question 2 :  What is the proletariat?
 Answer :  The proletariat is that class in society which draws its means of livelihood wholly and solely from the sale of its labour and …

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Elections in West Bengal: Bengal needs change of system

Bengal definitely needs change. The issue is this. Will replacing the Left Front government by a TMC Congress government address the problems of workers and peasants of Bengal? Or the entire political and economic system needs radical transformation? The Communist Ghadar Party of India firmly believes that the entire political and economic system needs radical transformation, a Navnirman of the Indian state and society. The line pursued by the CPI(M) and the Left Front it leads have been a biggest block to this Navnirman.

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Vigorous election campaign by People’s Candidate in Tamil Nadu

Unlike the candidates of bourgeois parties who were given a ticket by their party high commands, Com Wilson was selected by the people ‘s committees of Buthan Sandhai, Semgangkalai, Kadaiyalu Moodu, Kunjaluvelai, Paulkuzhi, Mukkutukal, Idikodu, Arumani and Vellangkodu, Devi codu, Northang Kalai, Mangkodu, Karodu, PaluKuzhi, KunjaluVillai, Mela Theru, Kulichal, Marapadi and Arumanai and other areas in the constituency.

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On the occasion of the 141st birth anniversary of VI Lenin

Fight for the victory of the proletarian revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat!

The history of the working class movement of our country has confirmed that revision of the fundamental teachings and conclusions of Marxism Leninism, as well as its dogmatic rendering, have caused harm to the cause of the revolution and communism. Refusal to develop Indian revolutionary theory, thereby falling victim to the Eurocentric outlook that everything from our past is feudal and reactionary, has been a disease afflicting the communist movement in our country, which our Party has diagnosed and is working to overcome.

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Prakash Rao speaking at the Public Consultation on creating institutions under people control

Call for a fundamental change in the system

Prakash Rao speaking at the Public Consultation on creating institutions under people controlIn a hard-hitting speech, Prakash Rao drew the attention of the audience to the manifold ills that have plagued the system of representative democracy in place in our country, over the last 65 years, and conclusively showed that the solution to the problems of the workers, peasants and toiling masses lies in bringing about a fundamental change in the political system, political process and institutions.

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