The Nawarshahr Regional Council of Lok Raj Sangathan (LRS) organised a meeting on the issue, “Why Lok Raj?” in Nawarshahr district of Punjab on July 31.
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Indefinite strike launched by teachers in Manipur
College teachers have been demanding implementation of the revised UGC pay scales for the past two and half years, ever since it was notified by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India on 31st December, 2008.
Continue readingCondemn police brutality against peasants
Mazdoor Ekta Lehar condemns the brutality of the police who have fired upon peasants in Maharashtra and lathi-charged peasants in Punjab.
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Statement of the Maharashtra Regional Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, July 2011
“Development for whom?”
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People’s Voice – August 1-15 2011
The situation calls for sober analysis and farsightedness
Lal Singh, General Secretary, Communist Ghadar Party of India, 16th July, 2011
Who stands to gain from the serial bomb blasts that rocked Mumbai on 13th July? If the crime is not one of passion but of cold political calculation, then the political motive needs to be examined.
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Down with the imperialist aggression!
The inhuman and unjust imperialist aggression on Libya is continuing; new forms of economic and political pressures have been added to the destructive war power of the NATO powers. The aim of this war is “regime change”, meaning destruction of Gaddafi politically and physically if possible, and installation of a puppet regi
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Oppose privatisation of banks! Protect the savings of the people!
Support the 5th August Strike of over 10,00,000 bank workers!
The United Forum of Bank Unions, consisting of nine unions of employees and officers of all state-owned banks, has called a one-day strike on 5th August. The workers’ unions are fighting against intensified exploitation and attacks on their rights and working conditions.
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The workers of the tea gardens of North Bengal and Assam are on the path of struggle. They are fighting against their intense exploitation.
On July 25, 2011, tea garden workers organized under the Progressive Tea Workers' Union (PTWU) stopped dispatch of tea from the gardens demanding an increase in wages.
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Upcoming Strike of Bank workers – 5 August 2011
Interview with Comrade Ramanand about the upcoming Strike of Bank workers
Following the call for an all-India strike on 5th August by the United Forum of Bank Unions (5 employees’ unions and 4 officers’ unions), correspondents of Mazdoor Ekta Lehar interviewed one of the most senior leaders of bank workers in Delhi on 13th July, 2011. Comrade Ramanand is General Secretary of the Delhi State – Bank Employees Federation and one of the leading members of All-India Bank Employees’ Association