Wilson’s Campaign provides clarity in the midst of chaos orchestrated by the capitalist parties

5 April 2011, Kanyakumari: While election campaign of the 3 fronts focus on the issue of corruption, what they are going to offer as free and projects they are going to bring, the campaign of Wilson focuses on rights of the people and how and when the workers and peasants will rule this country.  Comrades have prepared an audio CD containing key points and slogans of our Campaign and this was being played in various places.

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People’s candidate – Wilson has kick started the election Campaign in Tamil Nadu

CGPI leaflet has explained the nature of the current system as rule of monopoly capitalists in the service of the capitalist class. If the problems of the people were to be resolved, then the workers and peasants of our country have to come to power. It has called on all workers and peasants to get organized to win the power from the hands of the self serving capitalists. These leaflets were received by the people with great enthusiasm.

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Welcome to the New Website!

We are happy to announce the launch of the new website for CGPI.org

The website has been enhanced with better search facilities, catagorisation and keywording, easy navigation and better organisation of the content. It enables more social networking and outreach using: Twitter, YouTube, MEL e-newsletters, RSS feeds and you can simply click buttons to automatically copy the articles you like to your Facebook wall, which is shared with your social circles. Security and privacy has been significantly advanced.

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Militant demonstration in London

Saturday 26th March was a historic and proud day for all working people of Britain. Almost a million people marched through the streets of London protesting against the cuts to welfare and public services, corporate bail-outs, and wars of aggression in the Middle East and South Asia.  Central London was brought to a standstill by students, pensioners, trade unionists, anti-war protesters along with masses of working people marching in solidarity.

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