Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 2 December, 2023
The struggle against communalism and communal violence must be waged with the aim of replacing the existing state of bourgeois rule by a new state of workers’ and peasants’ rule. We need a state that will protect the lives and rights of all human beings, without exception, and severely punish those who violate any human right.
Tag: Human Right
31 years since the Demolition of Babri Masjid:
Electricity is an Essential Social Need and Universal Human Right
This is the Sixth in a series of articles on the class struggle over electricity in India
The class struggle that is going on over electricity is about who should own this vital productive force and what should be the aim of its production and distribution. At the centre of the conflict is the very definition of the role of electricity in society.
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