The Communist Ghadar Party of India hails the fighting spirit of the kisans, who are steadfastly refusing to be cowed down by all the violence and all the calumnies that the rulers have unleashed upon them.
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Gurugram-Jaipur Expressway blocked on 15th October
Haryana farmers assert their claims
More than 3000 farmers from 15 villages of Haryana blocked the Gurugram-Jaipur Expressway on Sunday 15th October demanding just compensation for over 1800 acres of their land which had been acquired by the Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC)
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Rajasthan’s nurses take out a rally in Jaipur in support of their demands
Report from Mazdoor Ekta Lehar’s correspondent
The Rajasthan Nurses Samyukt Sangarsh Samiti took out a mass rally on 25th August 2023 at the Ramleela Maidan near Ramnivas Bagh in Jaipur. The rally was in support of the nurses’ 11-point demands.
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Farmers struggle in Sirsa over non-payment of crop insurance claims
Report of the correspondent of Mazdoor Ekta Committee
On the afternoon of 16th August 2023, the farmers in Sirsa district of Haryana staged an indefinite dharna at Bhavdin Toll, demanding the payment of their insurance claims for crop failure during the Kharif season of 2022.
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Sweet victory for the farmers of Rajasthan in their struggle
The farmers, of Rajasthan’s Nohar and Bhadra tehsils have been waging a long-drawn struggle against the theft of water from the Amarsingh branch. This struggle has been successfully waged under the leadership of Amarsingh Branch Sangharsh Samiti, Bhadra-Nohar. The Rajasthan unit of Lok Raj Sangathan has worked very hard to achieve success in this struggle.
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Struggle of the workers of Proterial (Hitachi) India Limited
Report of the correspondent of Mazdoor Ekta Committee
The contract workers of Gurgaon’s IMT Manesar-based Proterial (Hitachi) India Limited had started the strike inside the company premises on 30th June 2023 in support of their demands. This strike has turned into a hunger strike since 6th July 2023.
Continue readingThis is a dharm-yudh of workers and peasants against the adharmi state
First published in January 2021
Statement of the Central Committee of Communist Ghadar Party of India, 10 January, 2021
We, the toiling majority of people, are fighting a Dharm Yudh. It is a struggle against the existing Adharmi Republic which guarantees prosperity only for a tiny minority. It is a struggle to establish a Republic that upholds Dharm and guarantees prosperity and protection for all members of society.
Click on the image to view/download the pamphlet.
Continue readingInternational Women’s Day 2020
Red Salute to the Fighting Women of India!
Onward with the Struggle for People’s Empowerment!
Call of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India,
1st March, 2020
As we approach 8th March, International Women’s Day this year, lakhs of Indian women are out on the streets. They include young and old, mothers with infants in arms, grandmothers, students and teachers.
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