Amazon workers demand an end to their gruelling working conditions

Workers of the e-commerce monopoly company, Amazon in India have launched a campaign against their gruelling working conditions. They have written a letter to the Global Senior Vice President and Country Head of Amazon India, Vice President of Operations of Amazon India and to Shri Bhupender Yadav, Minister for Labour and Employment, Government of India. In their letter they have highlighted the inhuman conditions in which they are forced to work, and have highlighted their demands.

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Medical representatives fight against worsening work conditions

Report of the correspondent of Mazdoor Ekta Committee

The 19th State Conference of West Bengal Medical and Sales Representatives Union (WBMSRU) was recently held at Siliguri from 8th to 10th September 2023. WBMSRU is the largest union of medical sales representatives (MRs) in West Bengal and has around 22,000 members. The Conference discussed the deteriorating working conditions of workers in this sector.

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Condition of Nursing Aid Workers

Mazdoor Ekta Lehar (MEL) took an interview on the condition of Nursing Aid and Security workers in Tamil Nadu Government hospitals with Comrade Tha Sivakumar. He is the Legal Advisor of the Tamilnadu Government Hospitals Auxiliary works Workers Union affiliated to Central Organization of Indian Trade Unions (COITU).  Following is the summary of the interview.

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