Dear Editor,
This is in response to the series of articles and MEC reports published on women wrestlers’ struggle. I appreciate and thank MEL for bringing out the articles and reports. MEL has once again covered the very important issue of women’s safety and dignity at their work place.
I want to reiterate a few points. The series of events that unfolded in the national capital is eye opening. It has exposed the true nature of this system. It is clear that this system does not care about the safety and wellbeing of the majority of people. The toiling and marginalised people have to struggle for everything. Be it the matter of their livelihood, justice, rights, wages etc. people have had to struggle. These events expose the state machinery. It works against the people when they start raising demands for their rights. We need to ask ourselves, for whom does this system work if not for the majority of the people?
The heroes of our country are facing such brutal attacks for raising their demands. One can imagine how much more difficult it is for the oppressed and exploited people to do so.
The working class and toiling majority have to come together and fight for Nav Nirman of India. A new India which will guarantee prosperity, justice and wellbeing of its people.
I once again thank MEL for bringing out these articles on the very important issue of our brave women.